Wellness Intimates & Vaginal Rejuvenation

Regaining Confidence through Vaginal Rejuvenation and Other Services

Many women experience changes to their bodies after childbirth or as they age. Vaginal laxity is a common issue that can reduce sensation and pleasure during intercourse, while Endometriosis can potentially cause significant discomfort during the same.

Our Vaginal Rejuvenation treatment is designed to potentially assist in the tightening of the vaginal interior, as well as the labia majora and minora. Furthermore, our range of rejuvenation services includes the likes of Morpheus8V and FormaV. If you're ready to reclaim your body, contact us today. We'll help you find the best treatment for your needs and give you back your confidence!

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What You Need to Know About Vaginal Rejuvenation

Childbirth, aging, genetics, injury, surgery, and menopause can all take a toll on a woman's vaginal area. Vaginal health is often taken for granted until problems arise. Unfortunately, when problems do occur, they can be quite uncomfortable and even painful.

Morpheus8V: This is a new technology that uses radiofrequency energy to quickly and effectively remodel the vaginal tissue, improve sexual drive, and restore a youthful appearance to the vaginal area. The treatment is non-surgical and only takes minutes to administer. With Morpheus8V, women may be able to achieve vaginal health without surgery or discomfort.

FormaV: This is a non-invasive vaginal tightening treatment that uses state-of-the-art technology to rejuvenate the vaginal canal and the external genital area. Most women may see a difference immediately following their very first treatment.

VTone: VTone uses electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) to contract the muscles, which helps to increase blood flow, improve muscle tone, and is equivalent to 30,000 kegel exercises. The best part is this treatment is quick, painless, and effective!

It may help to improve:

  • Urinary incontinence
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Prolapse
  • And other conditions!

Before & After Your Treatment

At Grace MedSpa, we understand that every woman is unique and deserves personalized care. That's why we offer a variety of vaginal rejuvenation treatments that can be customized to meet your individual needs.

Before your treatment, you will meet with one of our experienced practitioners to discuss your goals and concerns. We will then create a treatment plan that is tailored to your specific needs. After your treatment, you can expect to see a reduction in vaginal dryness, wrinkles, and laxity. You may also notice an improvement in sexual function and urinary incontinence. Most importantly, you will feel more confident and comfortable in your own body.

If you are interested in learning more about our vaginal rejuvenation treatments, please contact us today!

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The Importance of Self-Care For Down There

As women, we often put our own needs last. We take care of our families, our jobs, and our homes, and by the time we're done, we're too exhausted to even think about taking care of ourselves. But if we don't make time for self-care, we eventually start to feel the consequences. Our energy levels drop, we get sick more often, and our stress levels go through the roof.

One of the most important areas of self-care is our pelvic floor.

The pelvic floor is a group of muscles and tissues that support the bladder, rectum, and uterus. These muscles can become weak or damaged due to pregnancy, childbirth, age, or other factors. When the pelvic floor is not functioning properly, it can lead to problems such as incontinence, pain during sex, and prolapse (when organs droop or fall out of place). As a result, many women experience urine leakage and other problems with bladder control. The technology available at Grace MedSpa may help to rehabilitate these weak pelvic floor muscles. 

Additional Info on VTone

One VTone session is equivalent to 30,000 Kegels in 30 minutes!

If you're looking for more information on VTone technology at Grace MedSpa, we encourage you to watch this video. It provides a great overview of how VTone works and how it can benefit you. We hope you find it informative and helpful in making your decision about whether or not to try VTone. Contact us today to book an appointment!

Additional Info on Morpheus8V

Morpheus8V addresses all the most common problems women experience with their vagina. Click on the video to learn more about this incredible technology! If you still have questions or concerns, our knowledgeable staff will be happy to answer any questions you have and help you find the best treatment for your needs.

FAQs About Non-Invasive Vaginal Rejuvenation

At Grace MedSpa, we offer a variety of pelvic and vaginal rejuvenation treatments to help our patients feel their best. We understand that these women intimate wellness procedures can be personal and sensitive, so we've put together a list of frequently asked questions to help put our patients at ease.

  • What exactly is vaginal rejuvenation?

    Vaginal rejuvenation is a catch-all term for a variety of procedures that aim to improve the appearance and/or function of the vagina. These procedures can include everything from labiaplasty (cosmetic surgery to reduce the size of the labia) to laser therapy (to tighten the vaginal tissues).

    The most common side effect associated with Vaginal Rejuvenation is temporary swelling and bruising around the treatment area. You may also experience some soreness or tenderness for a few days after your procedure. These side effects should resolve on their own within a week or two. 

  • Who is a good candidate for vaginal rejuvenation?

    Most women who are considering vaginal rejuvenation are unhappy with the way their vagina looks or feels. Common concerns include loose skin, excess tissue, stretch marks, and/or loss of sensation. Vaginal rejuvenation can be an option for women of all ages, but it's most commonly performed on women in their 30s, 40s, and 50s.

  • How long do the results of vaginal rejuvenation last?

    The results of your Vaginal Rejuvenation may be long-lasting but not permanent. We recommend touch-ups every few years to maintain your desired results!

  • What do I wear?

    At Grace MedSpa, we want you to feel comfortable and relaxed during your pelvic or vaginal rejuvenation treatment. You will be asked to remove your clothing from the waist down, and a sheet will be provided for your modesty. 

    If you have any questions about what to expect, please don't hesitate to contact us. We're here to help you!

  • Will these treatments hurt?

    Most of our vaginal rejuvenation treatments are virtually painless. Many of our clients report feeling a mild warming sensation during the treatments. However, we can always adjust the intensity to ensure that you are comfortable throughout. 

    You may experience some mild discomfort or tenderness after the procedure. This is normal and should resolve on its own within a few days.

a woman in white underwear and a white robe is standing in front of a window .

Reclaim Your Femininity with Vaginal Rejuvenation

Experience a boost in confidence, pleasure, and wellbeing with our Vaginal Rejuvenation treatments at Grace MedSpa & Body Solutions. Our compassionate and discreet team provides expert care and cutting-edge procedures designed to help restore pelvic health and address issues such as laxity, dryness, and discomfort. Click 'Book an Appointment' now, and take the first step towards loving your body again, completely.

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