Acne Treatment

Help Improve Breakouts & Reclaim Your Glow

Reclaim your glowing skin again! Grace MedSpa is here to help with our customized acne treatments specifically designed to meet the needs of your unique skin. 

Our team of dedicated professionals will provide you with a thorough assessment and create an individualized plan to target stubborn blemishes and treat any underlying issues. You deserve clear skin so let us help you achieve it with Grace MedSpa's tailored acne programs today!

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Forever Clear BBL

Forever Clear Broad Band Light (BBL™) is an effective and non-invasive way to treat acne. It is a laser-based procedure that targets the root cause of acne in order to clear it without the need for medications or creams. The treatment process includes using blue, yellow, and infrared light that helps to reduce inflammation while eliminating bacteria that may cause breakouts. In addition, BBL encourages natural healing processes for optimal skin health.

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FAQs About Acne Treatments

Whether you're just curious or serious about taking advantage of this cosmetic procedure, we hope you'll find everything that you need here to become even more informed about our acne treatments at Grace MedSpa & Body Solutions.

  • What causes acne?

    Acne can be an incredibly frustrating experience for anyone. There are multiple contributing factors that can lead to acne, but one of the primary causes is oil buildup in the skin. When the glands that release oil become overactive, it can create a buildup of sebum—which the body's natural oil—on and around the pores. This oil attracts dirt, dust, and other debris which then clogs the pores, creating a perfect breeding ground for bacteria which results in acne.

    Thankfully there are various solutions available to help reduce and possibly eliminate breakouts. Speak to one of our skincare specialists today who will be able to provide tailored solutions catered to your specific needs.

  • What are the benefits of Forever Clear BBL for acne?

    The benefits of Forever Clear BBL therapy may include minimal pain and downtime compared to other acne treatments as well as long lasting results with no scarring or discoloration. Patients who are interested in this form of treatment should consult with their dermatologist to determine if it is right for them. After a thorough consultation, the doctor can create an individualized treatment plan and provide detailed instructions on how to prepare for BBL treatments.

  • How often do I book an acne treatment?

    Depending on your skin type and the severity of your acne, you may need to book an acne treatment quite frequently. It's important to keep up with treatments to ensure that any existing breakouts are dealt with quickly and efficiently, while also preventing future flare-ups. To keep your acne at bay, you may want to plan for a monthly treatment with your us here at Grace MedSpa. If your skin is particularly prone to breakouts, we might recommend treatments every two weeks. Keeping up with regular acme treatments can help keep acne under control and minimize scarring.

portrait of smiling middle aged white woman

Break Free From Troublesome Acne

Rediscover the natural beauty of your skin with our clinically proven Acne Treatments. At Grace MedSpa & Body Solutions, we use state-of-the-art techniques to restore the clear, glowing confidence that acne often casts a shadow over. We understand that everyone's skin is unique, so we customize solutions that directly target your skin problems. Click the 'book an appointment' button, give your skin a new life and yourself, a worry-free future of beautiful, blemish-free skin!

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